Time is a precious gift

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Time is a precious gift


Happy wise Wednesday. Our positive quote of the day states: “We take a lot of things for granted in our lives, such as gravity, air, daylight and time. Yet time is one of God’s most precious gifts to us. It is the most significant non-renewable resource at our disposal. We have less of it remaining with each passing day. When God gave this gift, He intended for us to use it carefully; intentionally, wisely and productively,” by Tommy Barnett. The gift of time is non-renewable. We spend it freely to assist others, establish a career, raise a family, and make memories. Our days can be relaxing, but not wasted. Busy, but not all consuming. Structured, but flexible. Mostly our days should be cherished because they are one of a kind gifts from God. Not one size fits all, but uniquely crafted to meet our individual needs. #Beinspired #NonRenewable #LuminousQuotes

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