Stop wasting time

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Stop wasting time

Happy move forward Monday. Our positive quote of the day states: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” by Steve Jobs. Imagine you won the lottery in the amount of $525,600. You would be over joyed! Perhaps you would call family and friends or maybe you would keep it a secret. Throughout each year we’re blessed to see 525,600 minutes which are deposited into our life. These minutes cannot be saved, nor increased, just spent. Perhaps we can afford to squander some of our money and we probably do, however, we absolutely cannot afford to waste our time. We can make more money, but we cannot increase the minutes granted. Life does have an expiration date. Therefore, let’s use our time wisely! #Beinspired #MoreValuableThan$ #LuninousQuotes

Originally posted 2019-09-30 13:58:29.

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