Make a positive impact

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Make a positive impact

Happy thought provoking Thursday. Our positive quote of the day states: “There is a lot that happens around the world we cannot control. We cannot stop earthquakes, we cannot prevent droughts, and we cannot prevent all conflict, but when we know where the hungry, the homeless and the sick exist, then we can help,” Jan Schakowsky. One person can help to make a positive impact on the life of another person. Many people united in the fight to stop hunger and homelessness can make a huge difference in the fight to end those struggles. We all have the privilege of helping others, whether it’s assisting others in stepping closer to their dreams, offering support, providing an encouraging word, being a shoulder to cry on or lean upon, or being a helping hand. We can make a positive impact on those not just in our neighborhood, or community, but globally. #Beinspired #BetheDifference #LuminousQuotes

Originally posted 2019-10-11 15:13:35.

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