Healing is a journey

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Healing is a journey


Happy forthright Friday. Our positive quote of the day from an Anonymous Author states:”Healing is a journey where you work your way through the layers of many emotions. Yes it’s hard work it’s painful,it opens old wounds, and if takes you deep where you may not desire to go. Yet when you break through the layers and come out the other side, you awaken to a whole new world where you can walk in your own personal freedom and truth.” Emotional baggage weighs us down. We can choose to stop carrying around the hurt from our past in nice designer luggage. I’m not suggesting it will be easy. But, just like anything else we have accomplished in our lives, it’s worth the effort. Release it and encounter freedom and happiness. Or continue as we are, heavy laden and miserable. #Beinspired #Baggage #LuminousQuotes

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