Change how you view life.

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Change how you view life.

Happy thought provoking Thursday. Our positive quote of the day states; “Every human has four endowments – self awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom… The power to choose, to respond, to change,” by Stephen Covey. We adapt to our situations, however change is optional. We probably know that person who complains because their home is too small and when they get a bigger house they’ll become better housekeepers, or slackers at work because their job is intolerable, or life in general is just unfair. Then life changes; they have a bigger home or a new job, thereby causing life to seem less unfair, however their behaviors never change. The new how is just as unkept, the new job is equally intolerable and life is once again unfair. Once we change the way we see our circumstances we can change our response and our behavior. #Beinspired #ChangeIsOptional #LuminousQuotes

Originally posted 2019-09-19 14:53:37.

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