Adding beauty, adventure, and joy to the production of our lives

Finding inspiration in everyday life

Adding beauty, adventure, and joy to the production of our lives


Happy fantastic Friday. Our positive quote of the day is taken from the lyrics of Have It All, by Jason Mraz. “May you know the meaning of the word happiness. May you always lead from the beating in your chest. May you be treated like an esteemed guest.  May you get to rest, may you catch your breath. And may the best of your todays be the worst of your tomorrows.” For some reason we think our days are a dress rehearsal for something else. Today, this moment is the act. Make the most of each day, adding beauty, adventure, and joy to the production of our lives. May the best of our todays be the worst of our tomorrows. #Beinspired #Life #LuminousQuotes

Originally posted 2021-04-30 13:51:04.

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